Lance Corporal Christopher Sharp, 17925

  • Batt - 2
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Section -
  • Date of Birth - 1890
  • Died - 06/04/1916
  • Age - 26

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Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.
He was the son of James Sharp, an agricultural labourer, born 1846 in Great Dalby, Leicestershire and his wife Sarah Sharp (nee Warrington, married in the 4th quarter of 1872 in the Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire district), born 1858 in Barsby, Leicestershire. Christopher was born in the 1st quarter of 1890 in Great Dalby, his siblings were, Annie Jane, born 1874, James Ernest, a schoolboy, born 1881, Walter, a schoolboy, born 1883, Joshua, a schoolboy, born 1885 and Sarah, born 1888, all his siblings were born in Great Dalby, in April 1891 the family home was at Dalby Magna, Leicestershire. In March 1901 Christopher was residing in the family home at Dalby Street, Great Dalby, together with his father, a general agricultural labourer, his mother, a post mistress and his siblings, Annie, a dressmaker, Arthur, a domestic gardener, born 1877 in Great Dalby, Walter, a bricklayer’s apprentice, Edith, born 1892 and Ethel, born 1894, the latter two siblings were both born in Great Dalby. In April 1911 Christopher was employed as a draper’s assistant and was residing in the family home at Great Dalby, together with his father a farm labourer, his mother and siblings, Arthur, a gardener and Walter, a brick layer.
The War Diary records: 6 Apr-16 - The 19th and 28th Brigade’s supported by 21st Brigade were ordered to carry out a night march with the intention of attacking at dawn. The march was commenced shortly after midnight, in massed formation, 28th Brigade on right, 19th Brigade on left. Formation of 28th Brigade. Front line 51st SIKHS (FRONTIER FORCE) and Provisional Battalion OXFORD AND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY, second line 2nd LEICESTERSHIRE REGT, third line 53rd SIKHS and 56th RIFLES (FRONTIER FORCE). Owing to considerable delay during the march the attacking Brigade’s were 1000 yards short of enemy’s position when it was daylight. Suddenly the enemy opened a withering fire. The first lines of the Brigade pushed forward to within 800 yards of enemy’s position until compelled to halt through very heavy casualties (our own artillery on right bank of TIGRIS being responsible for a considerable number) when they entrenched. Some 400 yards behind these another line was established and consolidated by some 200 men of the LEICESTERSHIRE REGT and HIGHLAND Battalion’s (1st SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS and BLACK WATCH of 19th Brigade), the remaining units of both Brigade’s extending in rear. Heavy fire was kept up by enemy throughout the day. At dusk the wounded and a few others of the Battalion and other units crawled back, and organised stretcher parties were sent out. The following casualties occurred, very early in the Battalion. Officers killed 2nd Lieutenant H. BILLINGS, wounded Major R. N. KNATCHBULL D.S.O., Major A. F. R. COLQUHOUN, Captain C. A. BAMFORD, Captain H. N. H. GRIMBLE, Lieutenant H. STOCKLEY, 2nd Lieutenant T. MONAGHAN, 2nd Lieutenant J. HARBOTTLE, 2nd Lieutenant H. S. ELLIS. 2nd Lieutenant B. BRAKES was wounded in the afternoon. Other ranks during the 6th April, killed 45, wounded 254, wounded but did not quit Battalion 3, missing 19. Major D. L. WEIR D.S.O. reassumed command of the Battalion on the afternoon of the 6th April.
On Friday May 19th 1916 The Melton Mowbray Times & Vale of Belvoir Gazette published the following article under the heading. “LOCAL AND DISTRICT NEWS.” – GREAT DALBY. – FALLEN HEROES. A memorial service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel on Wednesday evening, the 18th instant, for our fallen soldiers, Lance-Corpl. Christopher Sharpe and Pte. Joe Warner, of Great Dalby, and for Lance-Corpl. Langley Berry, of Melton Mowbray, who was a farm pupil with Mr. F. E. Johnson, Great Dalby. They all belonged to the Leicestershire Regiment, and were killed in action at the Persian Gulf on the 6th instant. The news of their death was a great shock to everybody in the village. They were fine young men, and were greatly respected. A great number attended the service, which was conducted by the Rev. W. Head, Melton Mowbray. The text was St. John xi, 23, “I am the resurrection and the life.” The sermon was full of help and comfort to all, and especially to all the bereaved ones. The hymns sung were, “How bright these glorious spirits shine,” “The Son of God goes forth to war,” “Who fathoms the eternal thought,” and “For all the saints who from their labours rest.” Mrs. Goodland officiated at the organ.

Leicestershire Project Findings
  • Conflict - World War I
  • Place of death - Mesopotamia
Research from Michael Doyle's Their Name Liveth For Evermore
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Cause of death - KILLED IN ACTION
  • Burial Commemoration - Basra Mem., Iraq
  • Born - Great Dalby, Leicestershire
  • Enlisted - Leicester
  • Place of Residence - Great Dalby, Leicestershire, England
  • Memorial - GREAT DALBY MEM., LEICS

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