Private Philip Marlow, 14719795

  • Batt - 2
  • Unit - Worcestershire Regiment
  • Section -
  • Date of Birth -
  • Died - 05/09/1945
  • Age - 35

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Source: Leicestershire War Memorials Project.
Market Harborough Advertiser 5/10/1945:

News has been received by Mrs P Marlow of 4 Cross Street MArket Harborough that her husband, Pte P Marlow of the Worcestershire Regt. is missing, believed killed as the result of an air crash in India. He is a native of Slawston and is the youngest son of Mr and Mrs H Marlow.

Market Harborough Advertiser 25/1/1946:

Slawston Man Killed in Aircrash

News has been received by Mrs P Marlow that her husband Pte Marlow has been officially posted as accidentally killed in an air crash while being repatriated from Burma on September 5th 1945. Pte Marlow who at the time of the accident was a stretcher case from tropical disease, was being repatriated after 12 months with the 14th Army.
Prior to the war, Pte Marlow was employed by the Caxton wood turney, Market Harborough. He was the youngest son of Mr and Mrs H. Marlow of Slawston.
submitted by B. Hakewill, 2018

Leicestershire Project Findings
  • Conflict - World War II
  • Burial Place - 26 F 24, Taukkyan War Cemetery

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