Private Henry William Jeffs, 25098

  • Batt - 1
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Section -
  • Date of Birth - 1891
  • Died - 15/09/1916
  • Age - 26

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Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.
He was the son of Thomas Jeffs, a carrier, born 1858 in Medbourne, Leicestershire and his wife Isabella Burton Jeffs (nee Almond, married in the 4th quarter of 1886 in the Uppingham, Rutland district), born 1853 in Medbourne. Henry William was born in the 2nd quarter of 1891 in Medbourne, he had one sibling, a brother Thomas John Jubilee, born 1887 in Medbourne, in April 1891 the family home was at Chapel Lane, Medbourne. In March 1901 Henry was residing in the family home at Queens Head Yard, Medbourne, together with his father, a farm shepherd, his mother and siblings, Thomas and Isabel Mary, born 1892 in Medbourne. In the 1st quarter of 1907 in the Uppingham, Rutland district, Henry’s mother died aged 54. In April 1911 Henry was employed as a general farm labourer and was residing in the family home at Medbourne, together with his widowed father, a general farm labourer and his brother Thomas, a butcher’s assistant.
Henry attested into the Army on a Short Service engagement (For the Duration of the War, with the Colours and in the Army Reserve.) on the 3rd December 1915 in Market Harborough, Leicestershire. He gave his present home address as Medbourne, Market Harborough, his age as 25 years and 94 days and his trade or calling as shepherd. He confirmed that he was unmarried. He gave his father, Thomas Jeffs of Medbourne, Market Harborough as his next of kin. His medical examination recorded that he was 5 foot -?- inches in height and he had a chest measurement of between 33 and 36½ inches. His record of service began when he joined the Depot of the Leicestershire Regiment, from the Reserve as a Private, service number 25098 on the 19/2/16. A summary of his service records: Home Service, 3/12/15 – 24/5/16. British Expeditionary Force, France, 25/5/16 – 15/9/16. Henry was awarded the British and Victory medals. Little remains of Henry’s surviving service documents, save for two pages that are in a very poor condition, and thus, much of the finer detail relating to the period of time that he spent in the Army, is either illegible or missing, hence the sparse overall description of his military and personal family history.
The War Diary records: 15 Sep-16 - The Battalion moved into its attack position during the night and were finally settled down and ready to attack by 4.30am. 2nd Lieutenant Davis attached Q 6th Division. The Commanding Officer decided to attack with D and B Company’s in the front line, with D on the left and B on the right. A and C Company’s formed the second line, with A on the left and C on the right. Two Lewis Guns accompanied each Company, and two were left in reserve with Battalion HQ. Two Bombing Squads of ten each were also formed in each Company. These squads carried the full amount of bombs, while every man also carried two Mills No.5 bombs (one in each pocket). The fighting strength of the Battalion going into action was 23 officers including (the M.O. and Chaplain) and 643 other ranks. About 5.50am. two enemy aeroplanes appeared above us, but did not stay long. About this time also, a Tank was noticed on our right moving quietly up to the enemy’s front line. On arriving there he immediately opened fire with his machine guns, enfilading the German trench on either side. He was very heavily fired on by the enemy’s machine guns which apparently had no effect as he still continued his movements and firing. Nothing further happened till ZERO (6.20am.) when the attack commenced. The leading Company’s at once advanced at the walk in from lines 30X entrance between lines. A heavy machine gun fire was immediately opened by the enemy from about T.15 b 0.4. The Support Company’s followed on in the same formation 300X in the rear of the last wave of the leading Company. Battalion HQ’s moved immediately in the rear of the last wave of Support Company’s. The mist and smoke was terribly thick, and allowed no observation by the Support Company’s and Battalion HQ’s as to what was exactly happening to the leading Company’s. Owing to this (mist and smoke) a slight error occurred in direction. The right and left under orders to keep in touch with units attacking on our right and left, moved with these units thereby causing a small gap near our centre. This was immediately filled up by Support Company’s. The Artillery barrage opened too late to do any harm as the whole of the Supports had crossed the road moving due south from Ginchy (the place where the barrage was directed) before the barrage commenced. Battalion HQ’s had by this time moved into a shell hole about T.14 b 7.4. Throughout the advance the Battalion suffered very heavily from Machine Gun fire. The Battalion had not gained its objective line held up by very heavy fire, and the very strong and undamaged wire of the trench leading from the north west corner of the Left Quadrilateral (a strong point hitherto unknown). A Company immediately entrenched itself on a small ridge about T.14 b 9.6 to T.14 b 8.2, Efforts were made to locate the exact positions of B, C and D Company’s. It was found that B and C were entrenched about T.14 b 7.7 had lost very heavily while unsupported. D Company had lost very heavily also and the remainder (D Company) were still advancing with the Guards and occupying shell holes between our new position and the German wire ( a few of the latter came in under the cover of darkness). Good communication was kept with the contact aeroplane by means of flares and groundsheets throughout the day. Great difficulties were experienced in keeping track with Brigade HQ’s owing to the impossibility of using means of wired signalling, and the heavy barrage kept up throughout the day making it impossible for a runner to succeed in getting through. And then later Private Parry (A Company) did excellent work in getting through and returning safely to us, thus three times saving the day, he was finally detained by Brigade HQ’s after a fourth journey. Throughout the day the trenches were improved, and by night everyone had more or less good cover. A Company, B Company and HQ’s were subjected to heavy shell fire throughout the day. B and C Company were moved up to where our new line was continued to the right and left. The night was quiet except for heavy sniping in front of C Company and its attack on one line of trenches and a communication trench (in course of construction) line carried without any serious opposition. These were occupied by the 9th Bavarian Regiment. No prisoners were taken. Casualties, 2nd Lieutenant J. C. Webb, 2nd Lieutenant J. G. Kennedy and Lieutenant A. H. Pinder were all killed. 2nd Lieutenant F. B. Stevenson, Captain H. Pickbourne, 2nd Lieutenant H. A. Graves, 2nd Lieutenant W. Blacklock, Captain G. H. Salmon, Lieutenant J. H. John and 2nd Lieutenant R. Pickersgill were all wounded. Captain C. W. Herbison, 2nd Lieutenant G. H. Gristwood, 2nd Lieutenant J. Burnett and 2nd Lieutenant J. G. Gardner were all wounded and subsequently died. Other Ranks, A Company 23, B Company 35, C Company 23 and D Company 27 were killed. A Company 36, B Company 69, C. Company 56 and D Company 60 were wounded. A Company 5, B Company 11, C Company nil and D Company 16 missing in action.

Leicestershire Project Findings
  • Conflict - World War I
Research from Michael Doyle's Their Name Liveth For Evermore
  • Unit - Leicestershire Regiment
  • Cause of death - KILLED IN ACTION
  • Burial Commemoration - Thiepval Mem., Somme, France
  • Born - Medbourne, Leicestershire
  • Enlisted - 03/12/1915 in Market Harborough, Leicestershire
  • Place of Residence - Medbourne, Leicestershire, England
  • Memorial - MEDBOURNE MEM., LEICS

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