Name Rank Unit Batt Died Carrier - Charles Herbert Private Leicestershire Regiment 1 14/12/1941 Challoner - Thomas Private Leicestershire Regiment 1 14/12/1941 Chambers - Thomas William Corporal Leicestershire Regiment 1 29/10/1944 Chapman - John Keith Private Leicestershire Regiment 1 08/10/1944 Charnley - Henry Stephen Private South Staffordshire Regiment 1 25/06/1944 Chessman - William Lance Corporal Leicestershire Regiment 1 12/09/1944 Core - Frank Stanley Private The Welch Regiment 1 09/09/1944 Cox - Walter Private The Welch Regiment 1 17/09/1944 Crackles - Jack Private Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 1 22/01/1944 Carpendale - Charles Lance Corporal Leicestershire Regiment 1/4