Name Rank Unit Batt Died Cotton - Arthur Private Leicestershire Regiment 7 16/07/1944 Collins - Frank Private Leicestershire Regiment 1/5 03/08/1944 Chester - Thomas William Private Monmouthshire Regiment 2 14/08/1944 Core - Frank Stanley Private The Welch Regiment 1 09/09/1944 Concannon - Ronald Charles Sergeant Green Howards (yorkshire Regiment) 6 10/09/1944 Chessman - William Lance Corporal Leicestershire Regiment 1 12/09/1944 Comer - Sidney Charles Private Hampshire Regiment 1/4 15/09/1944 Cox - Walter Private The Welch Regiment 1 17/09/1944 Clayton - Harold Private Army Air Corps 156 Parachute Regiment 18/09/1944 Clayton - John Frederick Lance Corporal Army Air Corps 156 Parachute Regiment 18/09/1944