
Rifleman Joseph Hand Y/1527

Service No
King's Royal Rifle Corps
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Age at Death

Research Findings

Source: Leicestershire War Memorials Project Michael Doyle; Their Name Liveth For Evermore
Conflict World War I -
Cause of Death - Killed In Action
Place of Death - -
Burial Place/Commemoration Xi E 3, Hooge Crater Cemetery Hooge Crater Cem., Zillebeke, Belgium
Place of Birth - Bottesford, Leics
Place of Residence - -
Enlisted - Nottingham
Former Unit - -
Former Unit No. - -
Attached Unit - -
Special Categories - -
Memorials - St. Remigius's Church, Long Clawson, Leics

Research Notes

Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.

On Friday November 9th 1917 The Melton Mowbray Times & Vale of Belvoir Gazette published the following article under the heading. “LOCAL AND DISTRICT NEWS.” LONG CLAWSON. – MORE SOLDIER’S KILLED. – The sad news of the loss of two more soldiers has come to the village since our last report. Mr Joseph Hand has been officially notified that his son, Pte. Joseph Hand, has been killed in action while serving with the B.E.F. Mr. Robert Padmore has also received official information that his son, Pte Fred Padmore, of the Royal Lancaster’s, has died of pleurisy, whilst serving with the Indian Expeditionary Force. These brave soldiers have seen long service at the front. Much sympathy is expressed throughout the village with the bereaved parents and relatives in their grief.

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