Name Rank Unit Batt Died Hynes - John Michael Patrick Lieutenant Queens Royal Regiment (west Surrey) 06/10/1942 Humfrey - Douglas Herbert Washington Lieutenant Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 3rd & 2nd 16/05/1915 Horsley - Claude Cressy Lieutenant North Staffordshire Regiment 28/11/1917 Hornby - Albert Raymond Lonsdale Lieutenant 4th Hussars-queen's Own Hopkins - Thomas Theo Lieutenant Leicestershire Regiment 2/5 23/09/1944 Hollis - Derrick Lieutenant East Kent Regt. Hollis - Charles Frederick Griffith Lieutenant East Kent Regt. 1st. 02/08/1918 Hill - William Reginald Lieutenant Durham Light Infantry 06/11/1918 Hicks - David John Lieutenant Royal Electrical And Mechanical Engineers 151 Inf Brigade, Workshop Coy 13/07/1943 Heard - Kenneth John Lieutenant Royal Artillery 153 (leics Yeo) Regiment 03/04/1944