Name Rank Unit Batt Died Saunders - Peter Argent Lieutenant Parachute Regiment 10th 21/09/1944 Scott - MS Lieutenant Leicestershire Regiment Shuff - David Rupert John Lieutenant 19 Hyderabad Regiment 19/03/1944 Skrine - Wvd Lieutenant York and Lancaster Regiment Skrine - Wvd Lieutenant York and Lancaster Regiment Smith - John Henry Lieutenant Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) 02/03/1944 Smith - Thomas Frank Lieutenant Royal Artillery 51 Medium Regiment 12/05/1943 Snaith - Eric Lieutenant Stanhope - Talbot Fitzroy Eden Lieutenant Rifle Brigade 09/05/1915 Smyth - Kenneth Bowes Inman Lieutenant Colonel Parachute Regiment 10th 26/10/1944